
Payments for Ledger

Payments for Ledger

This endpoint represents all payment-related operations that are part of a valid transactions in a given ledger.

The operations that can be returned in by this endpoint are:

  • create_account
  • payment
  • path_payment
  • account_merge


GET /ledgers/{id}/payments{?cursor,limit,order}


Name Notes Description Example
id required, number Ledger ID 69859
?cursor optional, default null A paging token, specifying where to start returning records from. 12884905984
?order optional, string,default asc The order in which to return rows, “asc” or “desc”. asc
?limit optional, number, default 10 Maximum number of records to return. 200


This endpoint responds with a list of payment operations in a given ledger. See operation resource for more information about operations (and payment operations).

curl "https://network.paybito.com/ledgers/69859/payments"


"_embedded" : {

"records" : [


"_links" : {

"effects" : {

"href" : "/operations/77309415424/effects/{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"precedes" : {

"href" : "/operations?cursor=77309415424&order=asc"


"self" : {

"href" : "/operations/77309415424"


"succeeds" : {

"href" : "/operations?cursor=77309415424&order=desc"


"transactions" : {

"href" : "/transactions/77309415424"




"id" : 77309415424,

"paging_token" : "77309415424",

"starting_balance" : 1e+14,

"type_i" : 0,

"type" : "create_account"




"_links" : {

"next" : {

"href" : "?order=asc&limit=10&cursor=77309415424"


"prev" : {

"href" : "?order=desc&limit=10&cursor=77309415424"


"self" : {

"href" : "?order=asc&limit=10&cursor="




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