Transactions are the basic unit of change in the Hc Net.
A transaction is a grouping of operations.
To learn more about the concept of transactions in the Hc Net network, take a look at the Hc Net concept guide.
Attribute | Type | |
id | string | The canonical id of this transaction, suitable for use as the :id parameter for url templates that require a transaction’s ID. |
paging_token | string | A paging token suitable for use as the cursor parameter to transaction collection resources. |
hash | string | A hex-encoded SHA-256 hash of the transaction’s XDR-encoded form. |
ledger | number | Sequence number of the ledger in which this transaction was applied. |
account | string | |
account_sequence | number | |
fee_paid | number | The fee paid by the source account of this transaction when the transaction was applied to the ledger. |
operation_count | number | The number of operations that are contained within this transaction. |
envelope_xdr | string | A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for this transaction |
result_xdr | string | A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionResultPair xdr struct for this transaction |
result_meta_xdr | string | A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionMeta xdr struct for this transaction |
fee_meta_xdr | string | A base64 encoded string of the raw LedgerEntryChanges xdr struct produced by taking fees for this transaction. |
rel | Example | Description |
self | /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a | |
account | /accounts/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ | The source account for this transaction. |
ledger | /ledgers/3 | The ledger in which this transaction was applied. |
operations | /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/operations | Operations included in this transaction. |
effects | /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/effects | Effects which resulted by operations in this transaction. |
precedes | /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=asc | A collection of transactions that occur after this transaction. |
succeeds | /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=desc | A collection of transactions that occur before this transaction. |
"_links" : {
"account" : {
"effects" : {
"href" : "/transactions/fa78cb43d72171fdb2c6376be12d57daa787b1fa1a9fdd0e9453e1f41ee5f15a/effects{?cursor,limit,order}",
"templated" : true
"ledger" : {
"href" : "/ledgers/146970"
"operations" : {
"href" : "/transactions/fa78cb43d72171fdb2c6376be12d57daa787b1fa1a9fdd0e9453e1f41ee5f15a/operations{?cursor,limit,order}",
"templated" : true
"precedes" : {
"href" : "/transactions?cursor=631231343497216\u0026order=asc"
"self" : {
"href" : "/transactions/fa78cb43d72171fdb2c6376be12d57daa787b1fa1a9fdd0e9453e1f41ee5f15a"
"succeeds" : {
"href" : "/transactions?cursor=631231343497216\u0026order=desc"
"id" : "fa78cb43d72171fdb2c6376be12d57daa787b1fa1a9fdd0e9453e1f41ee5f15a",
"paging_token" : "631231343497216",
"hash" : "fa78cb43d72171fdb2c6376be12d57daa787b1fa1a9fdd0e9453e1f41ee5f15a",
"ledger" : 146970,
"created_at" : "2015-09-24T10:07:09Z",
"account_sequence" : 279172874343,
"fee_paid" : 0,
"operation_count" : 1,
Resource | Type | Resource URI Template |
All Transactions | Collection | /transactions (GET) |
Post Transaction | Action | /transactions (POST) |
Transaction Details | Single | /transactions/:id |
Account Transactions | Collection | /accounts/:account_id/transactions |
Ledger Transactions | Collection | /ledgers/:ledger_id/transactions |
To submit a new transaction to Hc Net network, it must first be built and signed locally. Then you can submit a hex representation of your transaction’s XDR to the /transactions endpoint. Read more about submitting transactions in Post Transaction doc.
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